Camp Smith (7)
Camp Smith (7) (1955-Active) - A U.S. Marine Corps Camp established in 1955 near Halawa Heights, Honolulu County, Hawaii. Named Camp Smith on 8 Jun 1955 after General Holland M. Smith, first commanding general of Fleet Marine Force Pacific. Active Marine Corps military installation. Also known as Camp H.M. Smith. History of Camp SmithEstablished by the Marine Corps in October 1955 as the home of the Fleet Marine Force Pacific and dedicated on 31 Jan 1956. Located on 220 acres at Camp Smith, 137 acres at Puuloa Rifle Range in Ewa Beach, and 62 acres in Manana Housing, all on the Island of Oahu. The camp was built on the site of the World War II Aiea Naval Hospital (1942-1949). Camp Smith became the headquarters for the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command in October 1957 and supports a unified commander, the Commander, Pacific Command (CDRUSPACOM). Current StatusNow the headquarters of the U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM), Special Operations Command Pacific, and Marine Forces Pacific, the Marine service component command of PACOM.
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