Hawaiian AMTB Batteries

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Hawaiian AMTB Batteries (1943-1945) - In 1942 the Hawaiian Coast Artillery Chief, Major General Henry T. Burgin (Cullum 4403), initiated action to construct six AMTB batteries, two each for Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, and Kaneohe Bay. Construction of the six AMTB batteries began in July 1943, and was completed by the end of 1943. The AMTB batteries normally involved two fixed and two mobile 90mm and some supporting 37mm guns. The AMTB batteries had dual missions of harbor protection from fast motor torpedo boats and anti-aircraft defense.

AMTB Front View
AMTB Interior View
AMTB Side View
AMTB Back View

The above photos were taken at Fort Monroe, Battery Parrott

From FM 4-91: "This weapon consists of the 90-mm gun M1 and top carriage M1A1 on the 90-mm gun mount M3. The mount M3 is of the turret type, the shielding being constructed of boiler plates. This boiler plate shield provide fragmentation protection only. No shielding is provided at the rear due to the requirements for service of the piece. A sighting port in the shielding in front permits sighting in direction by the gun pointer."


  • FM 4-91 - 90-MM Gun, Fixed Mount Service of the Piece
  • FM 4-126 - Antiaircraft Artillery, Service of the Piece, 90-mm Antiaircraft Gun
  • TM 9-373 - 90-mm Gun M1 and 90-mm Gun Mount T3 (M3)

Battery AMTB - Fort Weaver

Battery AMTB - Ala Moana Park

Battery AMTB - Sand Island

The two fixed AMTB guns for Sand Island arrived and were in place by 6 Aug 1943, work continued on Sand Island until 14 Sep 1943. The facilities on sand island included barracks, an office, gun emplacements, splinter proof bunkers and magazines.

Battery AMTB - Fort De Russy

Battery AMTB - Pyramid Rock

Battery AMTB - Kualoa


  • Gaines, William C., A History of Fort De Russy, The Coast Defense Study Group Journal, Vol 24, Issue 4, November 2010, page 47-95
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