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Bill Thayer (talk | contribs)
Created page with "{{CMDHeader|Title=Fort Flagler Partial Commanders List|EditPage=FortFlaglerCmdrs}} {{CMDList|Start=1899-09-06|End=1901-07-16|Rank=<!-- 3 --> Capt.|First=John Deane Charl..."
Bill Thayer (talk | contribs)
one more commander
Line 5: Line 5:
{{CMDList|Start=1904-09|End=1906-05|Rank=<!-- 4 --> Maj.|First=Clarence|Last=Deems|Cullum=2521|Notes=}}
{{CMDList|Start=1904-09|End=1906-05|Rank=<!-- 4 --> Maj.|First=Clarence|Last=Deems|Cullum=2521|Notes=}}
{{CMDList|Start=1906-10-05|End=1908-12-17|Rank=<!-- 4 --> Maj.|First=George True|Last=Bartlett|Cullum=2888|Notes=}}
{{CMDList|Start=1906-10-05|End=1908-12-17|Rank=<!-- 4 --> Maj.|First=George True|Last=Bartlett|Cullum=2888|Notes=}}
{{CMDList|Start=1911-09-20|End=1911-09-30|Rank=<!-- 4 --> Maj.|First=John Louis|Last=Hayden|Cullum=3243|Notes=}}
{{CMDList|Start=1909-09|End=1911-11|Rank=<!-- 4 --> Maj.|First=Willoughby|Last=Walke|Cullum=2984|Notes=While commanding post, he was promoted to Lieut.‑Colonel, March 3, 1911. The dates of his command are from Cullum's <I>Register</I> and overlap those of the next.}}
{{CMDList|Start=1911-09-20|End=1911-09-30|Rank=<!-- 4 --> Maj.|First=John Louis|Last=Hayden|Cullum=3243|Notes=The dates of his command are from Cullum's <I>Register</I> and overlap those of the preceding.}}


Latest revision as of 02:29, 28 December 2016

Fort Flagler Partial Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1899-09-06 1901-07-16  Capt. Hoskins, John Deane Charles 2255 While commanding post, he was promoted to Major, July 1, 1901.
1903-02-26 1903-05-30  Capt. Summerall, Charles Pelot 3469
1904-09 1906-05  Maj. Deems, Clarence 2521
1906-10-05 1908-12-17  Maj. Bartlett, George True 2888
1909-09 1911-11  Maj. Walke, Willoughby 2984 While commanding post, he was promoted to Lieut.‑Colonel, March 3, 1911. The dates of his command are from Cullum's Register and overlap those of the next.
1911-09-20 1911-09-30  Maj. Hayden, John Louis 3243 The dates of his command are from Cullum's Register and overlap those of the preceding.
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly.
The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy.