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St. Louis Arsenal Partial Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1833 1840 “Capt. Symington, John 126
1840 1848 “Capt. Bell, William H. 235 He was promoted to Major, Mar. 25, 1848.
1848 1848 “Capt. Lee, John Fitzgerald 758
1851 1854 “Capt. Whitely, Robert H. K. 599
1854 1855 ”Maj. Harding, Edward 191
1855 1855 “Capt. Thornton, William A. 403 He relinquished command of the post before Aug. 31, 1855.
1855 1858 “Capt. Ramsay, George Douglas 257
1861 1861 “Capt. Hagner, Peter Valentine 866 He was promoted to Major, Aug. 3, 1861.
1861 1862 “Capt. Callender, Franklin Dyer 993 According to this officer's entry in Cullum's Register; conflicts with the following.
1861-09-01 1861-12-31 “Capt. Granger, Gordon 1265 According to this officer's entry in Cullum's Register; conflicts with the preceding.
1871-05-05 1876-05-18 “Capt. Babbitt, Lawrence Sprague 1947
1876-07-01 1877-01-08 ”Maj. Todd, John W. 1541
1877-04-11 1878-05-10 ”Maj. Todd, John W. 1541
1878-07-20 1886-08-28 “Capt. McGinness, John Randolph 2003 While commanding post, he was promoted to Major, June 1, 1881.
1879-01-15 1881-03-31 ”Maj. Hughes, William Burton 1753
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly.
The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy.