Uploads by Redstang64

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:59, 4 September 2008 Fort Harney 2008.JPG (file) 84 KB Taken from the site of the Fort Cemetery. The Officers Quarters were located in the row of trees on the right hand side of the picture. The Enlisted Barracks were on the left side close to the creek. 1
11:44, 4 September 2008 Fort Harney.JPG (file) 130 KB   1
18:27, 13 August 2008 Dent House located at New Camp Warner.jpg (file) 60 KB This house is located right in front of an area that was once an Enlisted Men's Barracks. 1
18:24, 13 August 2008 New Camp Warner 2006.jpg (file) 43 KB Building in left side of picture is not from the Fort. It is from a ranch from the 1890s 1
18:23, 13 August 2008 New Camp Warner 1872.jpg (file) 54 KB   1