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Fort Wingate (2) Partial Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1869-03-10 1870-03-01 –Maj. Evans, Andrew W. 1561
1888-06-22 1888-11-26 –Col. Carr, Eugene A. 1468
1899-11 1900-06 –Lt. Col. Day, Matthias Walter 2710
1904-07-26 1904-09-11 –Lt. Col. Paddock, George H. 2484
1904-10-28 1905-02-04 Capt. Goldman, Henry J. 2671
1905-03-29 1906-06-30 –Lt. Col. Paddock, George H. 2484
1906-08 1908-10 –Lt. Col. Hunter, George K. 2707
1908-12-29 1909-08-10 –Maj. Brown, William C. 2681 Dates given in Cullum's Register conflict with those of another commander
1908 1910 –Capt. McCoy, Frank Ross 3775 Dates given in Cullum's Register conflict with those of another commander
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly.
The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy.