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Originally from the Merrimack Valley, just north of Boston, I moved from Massachusetts to New Hampshire, and currently reside in Tennessee. I grew up learning about history from early settlements, history surrounding Boston and coastal New England.

I've been interested in historical locations from the mills, old houses and hospitals to our nations military history.

Fort's I've visited (from a poor memory)

Fort O'Brien (Maine) Fort Machias (Maine) Fort Edgecomb (Maine) Fort Popham (Maine) Fort Pownall (Maine) Fort McClary (Maine) Fort Gorges (Maine) Fort Preble (Maine) Fort Allen (Maine) Fort Williams (Maine)

Fort Constitution (NH) Fort Stark (NH) Fort Dearborn (NH) Fort Washington (NH)

Fort Washington (MA) Fort Banks (MA) Fort Warren (MA) Fort Revere (MA) Fort Andrews (MA) Fort Ruckman (MA) Fort Taber (MA) Fort Pheonix (MA) Stage Fort (MA) Fort Lee (MA) Fort ... time for dinner :)