Fort Bull
Fort Bull (1755-1756) - A British colonial fort established during French & Indian War in 1755 by Captain Marcus Petri in present day Rome, Oneida County, New York. Named after the fort commander, Lieutenant William Bull. Fort Bull was destroyed by the French in March 1756. Fort Wood Creek was built adjacent to the ruins of Fort Bull in May-August 1756 and it was destroyed by the British in August 1756 to prevent its capture.
French & Indian War (1754-1763)Built as a star shaped stockaded fort with a double row of stockades surrounded by a ditch. The post was located along the Oneida Carrying Place and served to guard the portage from present day Rome, New York, to Wood Creek and which lead to Lake Oneida and on to Oswego, New York, on Lake Ontario. The fort was used as a supply depot and to guard the short portage from the Mohawk River to Wood Creek. The supplies were destined for a line of fortification that ended at Fort Oswego and Fort Ontario at Oswego, New York. The fort was attacked by French forces under Lieutenant Gaspard Joseph Chaussegros de Lery on 27 Mar 1756. The garrison was overwhelmed and massacred by the attacking French and Indians. The French destroyed the stores and blew up the powder magazine. The French reported 70 killed and 35 captives taken to Canada. The destruction of the stores and gunpowder severely reduced the capability of the British to attack the French along Lake Ontario and forced them to build new, stronger forts like Fort Stanwix along the length of the supply train. Fort Wood CreekThe British built a new stronger fort named Fort Wood Creek next to the destroyed Fort Bull in May-Aug 1756. This fort had four bastions, a moat and a palisaded. The new fort was destroyed by the British themselves on 20 Aug 1756 after the French victory at Oswego rendered them easy prey to the advancing French & Indian forces. Current StatusMarker only in Erie Canal Village attraction, Rome, Oneida County, New York.
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Visited: 30 Jul 2012