Category:2012 Research Trip
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- Our 2012 Fort Research Trip.
Pages in category "2012 Research Trip"
The following 313 pages are in this category, out of 313 total.
- Fort Baldwin (1)
- Fort Banks (2)
- Fort Banks (3)
- Barrancas Barracks
- Battery Bartlett
- Fort Basinger
- Battery Park Redoubt
- Battery Point Fort
- Beaufort Arsenal
- Battery Belton
- Battery Bigelow
- Battery Blair
- Fort Blount (1)
- Fort le Boeuf
- Bogue Sound Blockhouse
- Battery Bohlen
- Battery Bowdoin
- Fort Bowman (1)
- Fort Braden
- Braden Castle
- Fort Brady (1)
- Fort Brewerton
- Fort Bridgman
- Fort Bull
- Fort Burnside
- Cape Elizabeth Military Reservation
- Carlisle Barracks
- Battery Carpenter
- Fort Carroll (2)
- Castle Fort
- Fort Castle
- Cathcart Tower
- Battery Chapin
- Fort Chokonikla
- City Point Depot
- Fort Clarke (1)
- Fort Clinch (1)
- Fort Clinch (2)
- Fort Clinton (1)
- Fort Clinton (2)
- Battery Cogan
- Fort Collier
- Columbus Fort
- Fort Conahey
- Fort Conanicut
- Conanicut Battery
- Fort Conde
- Fort Constitution (2)
- Fort Constitution (3)
- Camp Cooke (1)
- Fort Crown Point
- Camp Curtin
- Battery Farnsworth
- Battery Farry
- Fort Fayette (1)
- Fort Finney
- Fort Fisher (3)
- Battery Foote
- Fort Frederick Tower
- Forty Fort
- Fort Foster (1)
- Fort Foster (2)
- Fourth Cliff Military Reservation
- Fort Franklin (2)
- Fort Fraser (1)
- Fort Frederick (2)
- Fort Frederick (3)
- Fort Frederick (8)
- Fort Fremont
- Fort Frontenac
- Fort Furieuse
- Battery Hackleman (1)
- Fort Halifax (1)
- Fort Halifax (2)
- Fort Hampton (1)
- Battery Hardman
- Fort Harrison (3)
- Fort Harrison (4)
- Fort Haskell
- Battery Hawley
- Battery Hays
- Fort Hays (4)
- Fort Heath
- Fort Henry (3)
- Hill Cliff Battery - Constitution Island
- Fort Hoke
- Battery Honeycutt
- Battery House (1)
- Fort Houstoun
- Battery Howard
- Fort Howard (3)
- Huggins Island Fort
- Fort Hughes (1)
- Fort Hunter (1)
- Battery Hunter (2)
- Hupp's Fort
- MacDill Air Force Base
- Fort Machault
- Fort Macon
- Fort Madison (1)
- Madison Barracks
- Fort Mahone
- Fort Manada
- Marine Battery - Constitution Island
- Fort McCausland
- Fort McClary
- Fort McDermott
- Battery McIntosh (1)
- Fort McKinley
- Fort Meade (3)
- Fort Meikie
- Battery Mellon
- Fort Micanopy
- Camp Milton
- Mission San Francisco de Asis
- Mission San Jose
- Mission San Luis Obispo
- Fort Montgomery (2)
- Fort Morton (4)
- Murney Tower
- Peak's Island Military Reservation
- Pennsylvania State Arsenal
- Fort at Pensacola
- Fort Pentagoet
- Fort Phoenix
- Fort Pickering (1)
- Fort Pierce
- Fort Pitt (1)
- Plattsburgh Barracks
- Battery Plunkett
- Plymouth Fort
- Fort at Point Peter
- Battery Pope
- Fort Popham
- Fort Powell (1)
- Fort Pownall
- Fort Preble
- Fort Presque Isle (1)
- Fort Presque Isle (2)
- Fort Prince George (1)
- Prince of Wales Redoubt
- Fort Putney
- Sagamore Hill Military Reservation
- Fort Sainte Anne (1)
- Fort San Carlos (2)
- Fort San Luis de Apalachee
- Fort San Nicholas
- Fort Scammel
- Fort Scott (3)
- Fort Sedgwick (3)
- Fort Sewall
- Fort Shannon
- Shoal Tower
- Camp Smith (1)
- Spanish Fort (1)
- St. Francis Barracks
- Fort St. Frederic
- Fort St. George (2)
- Fort Stanwix
- Star Fort (1)
- Fort Stark
- Fort Stedman
- Fort Stevens (4)
- Battery Stevenson
- Fort Stony Point
- Fort Sumner (2)
- Fort Swatara
- Fort Walton
- Fort Warren (2)
- Fort Warren (3)
- Fort Washakie
- Fort Washington (6)
- Watertown Arsenal
- Watervliet Arsenal
- Fort Wead
- Fort Wellington
- West Branch Tower
- Fortress West Point
- Fortress West Point Batteries
- Fort Western
- Fort Wetherill
- Fort White
- Battery Whiting (1)
- Battery Whiting (2)
- Fort William and Mary
- Fort William Henry (3)
- Fort Williams (1)
- Fort Wyoming