Assumed | Relieved | Rank | Name | Cullum | Notes |
1876-08-12 | 1877-09-25 | Captain | Bailey, Clarence Mitchell | N/A | |
1877-09-25 | 1878-04-06 | 1st Lt. | Powell, James W. | N/A | |
1878-04-06 | 1878-07-29 | Captain | Bailey, Clarence Mitchell | N/A | |
1878-07-29 | 1878-10 | 1st Lt. | Abbott, Lemuel Abijah | N/A | |
1878-12-24 | 1880-07-16 | Captain | Stacey, May Humphreys | N/A | His diary of Beale's Camel Expedition is online. |
1880-07-16 | 1880-08-07 | 1st Lt. | Touey, Timothy Arthur | 2576 | |
1880-08-07 | 1881-07 | Major | Perry, David | N/A | |
1881-09 | 1881-11 | Captain | Worth, William Scott | N/A | |
1881-11 | 1881-12 | Major | Perry, David | N/A | |
1882-02 | 1882-07 | Lt. Colonel | Brackett, Albert Gallatin | N/A | |
1882-08 | 1883-04 | Lt. Colonel | Evans, Andrew Wallace | 1561 | |
1883-06 | 1883-09 | Captain | Vroom, Peter Dumont | N/A | |
1883-10 | 1883-11 | Captain | Morton, Charles | 2297 | |
1883-12 | 1885-04 | Major | Purington, George Augustus | N/A | |
1885-05 | 1886-07 | Major | Mills, Anson | N/A | |
1886-08 | 1887-04 | Major | Van Vliet, Frederick | N/A | |
1887-04 | 1887-10 | Major | McLellan, Curwen Boyd | N/A | |
1887-10 | 1888-09 | Major | Van Vliet, Frederick | N/A | |
1888-10 | 1888-12 | Captain | Lee, Phillip Ludwell | N/A | |
1888-12 | 1891-01 | Captain | Lebo, Thomas Coverly | N/A | |
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly. The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy. |