Category:Fort Reading

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This is a stub article. You are encouraged to add content and remove the stub notation {{Stub}} when you feel it has enough content to qualify as a full article. [Category:Private Property]] Fort Reading (1852-1856) (1866-1867) - Established on May 26,1852 by 1st Lieutenant Nelson H. Davis, Company E, 2nd U.S. Infantry as a two-company post on Cow Creek, two and one-half miles from the Sacramento River. The post was intended to protect the mining district from Indian depredations. The fort was named for Major Pierson B. Reading, paymaster of the California Volunteers during the Mexican war, and a pioneer settler in California.

The garrison was withdrawn on 1 Apr 1856 but the post was intermittently occupied until 13 Jun 1867, and completely abandoned on 6 Apr 1870. The fort's buildings were sold prior to the restoration of the reservation to the public domain on 15 Feb 1881.

Location: 0.6 mi E of intersection of Deschutes and Dersch Rds, 6 mi NE of Anderson, California. Maps & Images

Lat: 47.6570 Long: -122.4182



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