Horatio Gates Gibson (1827-1924) - Born 22 May 1827 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland. A 40 year career Army artillery officer and United States Military Academy graduate who rose to the rank of Brigadier General, U.S. Army. Died 27 Apr 1924, Washington DC.
General H.G. Gibson in his Later Years
Captain Gibson at Fair Oaks in 1862 (2nd from left)
Capt. Gibson at Fair Oaks During the Civil War (seated on the left) in 1862
He first served as an artillery officer in 2nd U.S. Artillery and the 3rd U.S. Artillery in the Mexican War at Vera Cruz and Mexico City. After the war he was posted to the pacific frontier and served during the California Gold Rush years and fought against hostile Indians in the northwest.
During the U.S. Civil War he served in many campaigns as an artillery officer and was breveted Brigadier General, U.S. Volunteers. After the war he reverted to his permanent rank of Captain and brevet rank of Colonel in the regular Army. He served in many coast artillery posts after the war and rose to the permanent rank of colonel and retired 22 May 1891. He was elevated to Brigadier General, U.S.A. on the retired list on 23 Apr 1904.
(1861-1865) Union, U.S. Civil War, highest Volunteer rank was brevet Brigadier General, highest regular rank was brevet Colonel, permanent rank was Captain