Fort Mann
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Fort Mann (1847-1848) - A U.S. Army quartermaster post first established in 1847 by master teamster Daniel P. Mann in Ford County, Kansas. Named for Daniel P. Mann. Abandoned in 1848.
HistoryPost established in April 1847 by master teamster Daniel P. Mann and 40 teamsters as a wagon replacement and repair post. The post consisted of four flat topped buildings arranged in a square and connected at the outer corners by log stockade walls so that the post formed a 60' diameter octagon. The stockade walls were cut with loopholes for rifles and cannon and a single massive gate provided entry. The location was strategic since all the trails to Santa Fe passed this point and many of the wagons required maintenance to continue. The post was also at a location frequented by the plains Indian tribes. Incidents with hostile Indians were frequent and the post resembled a prison environment for the 10 teamsters left behind to operate it. In June 1847, after an attack by 400 hostile Indians, the remaining teamsters abandoned the post and joined a wagon train headed for Santa Fe. A battalion of Missouri Volunteers was formed in September of 1847 and marched to the deserted Fort Mann where they spent a miserable winter. Significant controversy surrounded the garrison's activities and an investigation was launched. By the summer of 1848 Fort Mann was again abandoned. Current StatusRoadside marker only, site is on private property, Ford County, Kansas
Links: Visited: 11 Oct 2011