Battery Grattan
Battery Grattan (1907-1918)(1942-1945) - Battery Lee is a reinforced concrete Endicott Period 6 inch gun battery on Fort Flagler, Washington. The battery was named after Brvt 2nd Lt. John Lawrence Grattan, who served in the American Frontier at Fort Laramine, and was killed 19 August, 1854 in what became known as the “Grattan Massacre”. Battery construction started in 1904, was completed in 1906 and transferred to the Coastal Artillery for use 23 Apr 1907 at a cost of $ 48,000. Deactivated in 1918.
Battery Grattan History
Part of the Harbor Defense of Puget Sound.
Endicott Period
Empl No |
Caliber Type |
Barrel Length |
Model | Serial No |
Manufacturer | Carriage | Service Dates |
Notes | |
1 | 6" Rifle | 302.9" | M1903 | 68 | Watervliet | Disappearing LF, M1903, #73, Detrick & Harvey | 1907-1917 | See Note 1 | |
2 | 6" Rifle | 302.9" | M1903 | 69 | Watervliet | Disappearing LF, M1903, #45, Rarig | 1907-1917 | See Note 1 | |
Source: Coast Defense Study Group, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 98-99, 216 Note 1: Guns transferred to Watervliet 31 Dec 1917, carriages scrapped 26 May 1920. CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA |
World War I
Guns and carriages were shipped to Europe in December of 1917.
World War II
Battery transferred to U.S. Navy on 1 Sept. 1942 for Underwater Listening Post. North entrance was closed off and converted to latrine and storage.
Current Status
Part of the Fort Flagler State Park. The Battery is accessible to the public and the rooms are clean and dry. A few cabinet fixtures remain and walls still lined with sound-deadening material. No guns or carriages are in place.
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Location: Fort Flagler, Washington Maps & Images Lat: 48.099912 Long: -122.692245 |
Visited: 21 Sept 2009
Battery Grattan Picture Gallery
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Battery Grattan Shell Room