Coastal Gun Service Dates

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Determining gun/mortar service dates within a specific battery is a difficult process because of several documentation problems.

  1. Gun cards were not initiated until 1 Jul 1917
  2. Few RCWs & RCBs record the mounting date of individual gun tubes
  3. Few RCWs & RCBs record the dismounting date of individual gun tubes

Policy for Coastal Gun Service Dates

  • Start Year - Use the Battery acceptance year as the start of the Service Dates unless a more specific year is known. A more specific year could be the year the gun was mounted or the year it was first test fired.
  • End Year - Use the year the battery was deactivated unless a more specific year is known. A more specific year could be the year the gun was dismounted or the year it was shipped to another location. The most definitive source for service end year is the NARA gun cards.


  • NA = Not armed - gun tubes never installed
