Fort Soda
Fort Soda (1860-1868) - A U.S. Army Fort first established in 1860 as Hancock's Redoubt next to Soda Lake in San Bernardino County, California. Named Fort Soda after Soda Lake. Abandoned in 1868. Also Known as Fort Soda Lake and Camp Soda Springs. History of Fort SodaInitially established in the spring of 1860 by elements of the 1st U.S. Dragoons and known as Hancock's Redoubt. It was built as a set of breastworks and corrals to protect travelers from hostile Indians on the Old Government Road that crosses the Mojave Desert. The post was intermittently used during the U.S. Civil War by California Volunteer Units. Manned continuously between 21 Aug 1867 and 23 May 1868 as Fort Soda, a sub post of Camp Cady, by small detachments of regular U.S. Army troops from Camp Cady. Abandoned in 1868 when troops were withdrawn from posts all along the road. Current StatusSome archeological remains at the Desert Research Center of the Fullerton State University, Baker, San Bernardino County, California.
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