250th Coast Artillery

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250th Coast Artillery (1924-1944) - Initially organized in 1909 as 1st Coast Defense Command, California National Guard, from existing Infantry, Field Artillery and Coast Artillery Corps units in the California National Guard.

World War I (1917-1918)

Mobilized into federal service in April and August, 1917 and assigned to the Coast Defense of San Francisco and San Diego. Redesignated as serially numbered companies in the Coast Defenses elements of the Coast Defense Command and then transferred to other units for service in France.

Post World War I

1st Coast Defense reorganized 1920-1922 and redesignated as 250th Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps 6 Oct 1923. Redesignated 250th Coast Artillery (Tractor Drawn) Regiment in 1924. The regiment was armed with 155mm tractor drawn World War I era guns. These guns were normally tractor drawn to prepared field sites or emplaced on concrete Panama mounts.

World War II (1941-1945)

Mobilized into federal service 16 Sep 1940 at San Francisco and moved to Camp McQuaide, California 23 Sep 1940. Deployed to various Alaska sites on 19 Sep 1941. Returned from Alaska 16 Mar 1943 and stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington on 22 Mar 1943.

Transferred to Camp Gruber, Oklahoma 7 Feb 44 where it was inactivated and reorganized into three field artillery battalions.

