Camp Foster
Camp FosterEstablished on 1 May 1898 as Camp Foster, a Spanish American War muster Camp for Louisiana volunteers located on the New Orleans Fair Grounds. The camp was occupied by the 1st and 2nd Louisiana Volunteers, with the 1st Louisiana Volunteers quartered in the large brick building and the 2nd in the center of the Fairgrounds Race Track. The 1st Louisiana left New Orleans about June 1st and the 2nd about May 30th. Both regiments went to Camp Coppinger in Mobile. Camp H.C. Corbin (1)Following the departure of the Louisiana volunteers, the 9th U.S. Volunteer Infantry arrived on 18 June and also camped inside the race track oval. They may have been unwilling to adopt the Camp Foster name because it was named after a state governor, the Camp was then renamed Camp H.C. Corbin, after General Henry C. Corbin then Adjutant General of the U.S. Army. The 9th was a regiment of Black volunteers, a so-called “immunes” regiment. They remained at Camp H.C Corbin until 17 Aug 1898 when they departed for Cuba. OthersThe 18th U.S. Infantry, 23rd U.S. Infantry, and the 5th U.S. Cavalry were at the campground at the same time but it is unclear what name they adopted for the camp. Some sources indicate that the name Camp Riche/renamed Camp Houston may have been used for the regular Army assembly camp. Current StatusNo visible remains.
See Also: Sources: