Camp Michie
Camp Michie (1914-1922) - A World War I era Camp established in 1914 in Del Rio, Val Verde County, Texas. Initially established to counter elements of the Mexican Revolution who were raiding across the border. Named Camp Michie by G.O. 38, 24 Jun 1920 after Brigadier General Robert E. L. Michie, who died of a heart attack in France 4 Jun 1918. Abandoned in 1922. Often misspelled as Camp Mitchie.
HistoryEstablished in 1914 as a cavalry post to counter elements of the Mexican Revolution who were raiding across the border. The camp was constructed as a temporary facility with few permanent structures. One permanent structure was the hospital located near the intersection of Gibbs Street and Bedell Avenue, where U.S. Highway 90 crosses San Felipe Creek. Some troops at Camp Michie were sent to El Paso and joined General John Pershing's (Cullum 3126) expedition into Mexico in 1917. With the start of World War I the remaining troops at Camp Michie were used to guard the border and the High Bridge over the Pecos River. Abandoned in 1922. Current StatusNo remains Marker only.
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