Camp Williston
Camp Williston (1941-1944) - A U.S. Army Military Police Camp established in 1941 as Camp Sibert during World War II in Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada. Renamed Camp Williston in G.O. 47, 21 Sep 1942, after Brigadier General Edward B. Williston, recipient of the Medal of Honor during the U.S. Civil War. The Camp was abandoned in 1944.
World War II (1941-1945)Originally named Camp Siebert but, when that name conflicted with an existing Camp Sibert in Alabama, the name was changed to Camp Williston. The post was established just before the beginning of World War II to provide MP training and protection for Boulder Dam facilities and local industries. The post was garrisoned by some 800 military police and support troops. The U.S. Army abandoned Camp Williston in 1944 after the troops departed on 9 Mar 1944 for Fort Custer (2), Michigan. The Camp was put up for sale in October 1944 and the buildings were eventually sold and moved away. Current StatusNo remains of the camp. Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
Fortification ID:
Visited: 4 Feb 2013