Category:Anchorage NIKE Sites

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Alaska All Alaska Counties

See Also:

Anchorage Defense Area Nike Batteries (edit list)
Battery Type Location Operational Deactivated GPS Notes
Fire Island AADCP Anchorage 1959 1969 61.14242,
Point AADCP Anchorage 1971 1979 61.15777,
Bay-C Control Anchorage 1959 1979 61.39806,
Bay-L Launch Anchorage 1959 1979 61.40583,
2 Above Ground Magazines
4 Hercules missiles each (8 total)
Point-C Control Anchorage 1959 1971 61.155,
Point-L Launch Anchorage 1959 1971 61.15861,
4 Above Ground Magazines
4 Hercules missiles each (16 total))
Summit-C Control Anchorage 1959 1979 61.25806,
Summit-P Launch Anchorage 1959 1979 61.24778,
2 Above Ground Magazines
4 Hercules missiles each (8 total))
* Ed Thelen Site - Nike Site Locations
* Wikipedia - List of Nike Sites
* Tech Bastards - Nike Missile Locations
* Radomes - List of Nike Related Radar Sites
* Nike Historical Society
* Lonnquest, John C. and Winkler, David F., To Defend and Deter: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Missile Program, USACERL Special Report 97/01, Nov 1996, 607 pages, Pdf
* Morgan, Mark L. and Berhow, Mark A., Rings of Supersonic Steel: Air Defenses of the United States Army 1950-1979, Third Edition, Hole in the Head Press, Bodega Bay, 2010, ISBN 978-0-9761494-0-8, 358 pages

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