Category:Rogue River Indian War Forts

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Rogue River Indian War Era Forts (1855-1856) (edit list)
Name Est Left County Notes
Fort Vancouver (2) 1849 1947 Clark WA Headquarters
Fort Vannoy 1855 1856 Josephine OR Volunteer Post
Fort Flournoy 1855 1855 Douglas OR Settler Fort
Fort Miner 1855 1856 Curry OR Settler Fort, 1st Lt. Relf Bledsoe
Fort Kitchen 1855 1856 Coos OR Settler Fort, Captain William H. Packwood
Fort Rowland 1853 1856 Curry OR Settler Fort
Fort Lamerick 1856 1856 Curry OR Volunteer Post, Major James Bruce, Oregon Mounted Volunteers
Fort Leland 1855 1856 Josephine OR Volunteer and U.S. Post, McDonough Harkness and Jesse H. Twogood
Fort Bailey 1855 1856 Josephine OR Volunteer Post
Fort Briggs 1855 1856 Josephine OR Settler Fort
Fort Hayes (1) 1855 1856 Josephine OR Settler Fort
Fort Birdseye 1855 1856 Jackson OR Settler Fort
Fort Smith (3) 1855 1856 Douglas OR Settler Fort
Camp Elliff 1855 1856 Douglas OR Volunteer Post, Captain Laban Buoy, Oregon Mounted Volunteers
Camp Spencer 1855 1856 Josephine OR
Fort Lane (1) 1853 1856 Jackson OR U.S. Fort, Captain Andrew J. Smith, 1st U.S. Dragoons
Fort Orford 1851 1856 Curry OR U.S. Fort, 2nd Lt. Powell T. Wyman, 1st U.S. Artillery
Fort Yamhill 1855 1866 Polk OR U.S. Fort, 2nd Lt. William B. Hazen, 4th U.S. Infantry
Fort Hoskins 1856 1865 Benton OR U.S. Fort, Captain Christopher C. Augur, 4th U.S. Infantry
Fort Umpqua (2) 1856 1862 Douglas OR U.S. Fort, Captain Joseph Stewart, 3rd U.S. Artillery

See: Rogue River Indian War

