Ephrata Army Airfield

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Ephrata Army Airfield (1939-1945) - A World War II era U.S. Army Airfield established in 1939 near Ephrata, Grant County, Washington. Named Ephrata Army Airfield after the location. Transferred to civilian control after the end of WWII in 1945 and it is now Ephrata Municipal Airport.

WWII Ephrata Army Airfield Hanger in 2022


Ephrata Army Airfield was established in 1939 as a support airfield for bombing and gunnery ranges in the area. The airfield was transferred to Fourth Air Force in 1940 as a group training airfield for the B-17 Flying Fortress being delivered from the Boeing plant near Seattle. Later it was reassigned to Second Air Force when heavy bombardment group training was reassigned to that command. The Air Technical Service Command also used it as an aircraft maintenance and supply depot.

On 25 Sep 1945, Major General Willis H. Hale, Fourth Air Force, notified Ephrata Army Airfield that it was temporarily inactivated, and was being turned over to War Assets Administration (WAA) for disposal.

The airfield was transferred to Grant County and developed into a commercial airport in the late 1940s.

Current Status

Now Ephrata Municipal Airport.


Location: Near Ephrata in Grant County, Washington.

Maps & Images

Lat: 47.308056 Long: -119.516944

  • Multi Maps from ACME
  • Maps from Bing
  • Maps from Google
  • Elevation: 1,276'

GPS Locations:

See Also:


  • US Army Owned, Sponsored and Leased Facilities Report, AMD-1, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 31 Dec 1945, CDSG Pdf
  • Shaw, Frederick J. Ed., Locating Air Force Base Sites: History's Legacy, updated 2014, Air Force History and Museums Program, USAF, Washington DC, 2004, 268 pages


Fortification ID:

  • WA0136 - Ephrata Army Airfield

Visited: 30 Jul 2022