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Fort Sisseton Partial Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1864 1864 Major Clowney, John N/A 30th Wisconsin Infantry
1864 1866 Major Rose, Robert H. N/A 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
1865 1865 Captain Everest, Aaron S. N/A 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
1866 1866 Captain Davy, Peter B. N/A 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
1866-05-18 1867-10-20 Major Hayman, Samuel B. 1161 10th U.S. Infantry
1867 1869 Captain Hampson, Jesse A. P. N/A 10th U.S. Infantry
1868 1868 Captain Stanley, William N/A 10th U.S. Infantry
1869 1872 Captain Bates, J. C. N/A 20th U.S. Infantry
1871 1872 Captain McNaught, John S. N/A 20th U.S. Infantry
1871 1871 1st Lt. Hawley, William N/A 20th U.S. Infantry
1872 1873 Major Yard, J. E. N/A 20th U.S. Infantry
1872 1873 Captain Stanley, William N/A 20th U.S. Infantry
1873 1874 Major Crofton, Robert E. A. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1874 1874 Captain McArthur, Malcolm N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1876 1877 Major Crofton, Robert E. A. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1874 1876 Captain Pearson, Edward P. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1875-07-27 1875-10-06 Lt. Colonel Carlin, William 1469 17th U.S. Infantry
1876 1876 1st Lt. O'Brien, Lyster M. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1877 1877 Captain Patterson, John H. N/A 20th U.S. Infantry
1877 1879 Captain Van Horne, William W. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1878 1879 1st Lt. Burns, J. M. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1878 1884 Captain Bennett, Clarence E. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1880 1880 Captain Roberts, Cyrus S. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1880 1883 1st Lt. Roach, George H. N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1884 1884 2nd Lt. Chynowith, Edward N/A 17th U.S. Infantry
1884 1888 Captain Schooley, David N/A 25th U.S. Infantry
1885 1887 Major Mears, Frederick N/A 25th U.S. Infantry
1888 1888 2nd Lt. Sanborn, Washington N/A 25th U.S. Infantry
1888 1889 Captain Hale, Joseph N/A 3rd U.S. Infantry
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly.
The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy.