Fort Alafia (1) (1849-1850) - A U.S. Army post established in 1849 as Camp Alafia near Keysville, Hillsborough County, Florida. Mostly known as Camp Alafia and occasionally referred to as Fort Alafia. Named after the nearby Alafia River. Abandoned in 1850.
Fort Alafia marker.
This fort was first located about 20 miles from Tampa Bay in Hillsborough County, Florida. Fort Alafia was established on 29 Aug 1849, by 1st Lt and Brevet Major John C. Pemberton, (Cullum 917), and companies A and E of the 4th U.S. Artillery. On 9 May 1850, the post and its garrison were moved a mile closer to Tampa and nearer to the Alafia River. This new post was most likely built and commanded by troops from Fort Alafia as Fort Bienvenue and then renamed as Fort Alafia after the closure of the original post.
On 26 Oct 1850 Company B, 1st U.S. Artillery ordered to proceed on this date to Key West. The Post return for this date shows the post as Camp Alafia garrisoned by 1 commissioned officer and 45 noncommissioned personnel under the command of Lieutenant Samuel F. Chalfin, (Cullum 1337). This is the last available post return.
Current Status
Marker only. The marker is in the parking area for the Pinecrest Little League Park, Alderman's Ford County Park, Plant City, Florida.
Note: The marker text regarding 1st Lt. Irving McDowell, (Cullum 963), may be in error. While McDowell was assigned to the post, the available post returns list him as absent per orders from the Adjutant General that predated the establishment of the post. It is likely that he never actually set foot on the post. His record indicates that he was Asst. Adjutant-General at the War Department, July 1848, to June 1849, and at the Headquarters of the Army, New York City, June 1849, to 8 Jan 1851.
Company A, 4th U.S. Artillery Total 48 present, 2 sick
Company A 4th U.S. Artillery (aggra... 53) arrived at Camp Alafia 29 Aug 1849
1850 Jan
Camp Alafia
Ridgely, Samuel C., Bvt Major 4th U.S Artillery 13 Jan - 18 Feb 1850
Company C, 4th U.S. Artillery Total 59 present
1) Company C, 4th U.S. Artillery left Fort Chokonikla the 12th and arrived at Camp Alafia 13 Jan 1850 Aggregate 50 but since that time 3 men have been sent to ... hospital Tampa Bay.
2) This station is 24-1/2 miles southeast of Fort Brooke Tampa Bay Florida
1850 Feb
Camp Alafia
Rains, George W., Bvt Captain 4th U.S Artillery 18 Feb 1850
Company B, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 54 present Company C, 4th U.S. Artillery Total 49 present
Killed: Martin Downey, Private, 19 Feb 1850, Company B, at Alafia, Fla., accidentally killed by the falling of a tree.
1850 Mar
Camp Alafia
Rains, George W., Bvt Captain 4th U.S Artillery 18 Feb 1850
Company B, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 54 present Company C, 4th U.S. Artillery Total 49 present
1850 Apr
Fort Bienvenu
Rains, George W., Bvt Captain 4th U.S Artillery 18 Feb 1850
Company B, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 54 present, 3 sick Company C, 4th U.S. Artillery Total 49 present, 4 sick
1850 May
Fort Alafia
Rains, George W., Bvt Captain 4th U.S Artillery 18 Feb 1850
Company A, 7th U.S. Infantry Total 52 present Company G, 7th U.S. Infantry Total 46 present
The command evacuated Whidden's Creek Camp on 9th May 1850 in consequence of the sickness there of; arrived at & located their camp near the Alafia River distant thereupon one mile nearly, on the .... road to Tampa, Florida, as per District Order No. 20 of May 8th 1850
1850 May
Fort Bienvenu
Rains, George W., Bvt Captain 4th U.S Artillery 18 Feb 1850
Company C, 4th U.S. Artillery Total 57 present, 2 Sick
1) Company B 1st U.S. Artillery aggregate 54 left this post on the 13th May 1850 for Fort Mead 2) Camp Alafia by direction from HQ 2nd West Divison was changed to Fort Bienvenu being a change of name to the same post
1850 Jun
Camp Alafia
Vogdes, Israel, Captain 26 Jun 1850
Company A, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 52 present Company B, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 57 present
Major Rains with Companies A & G, 7th U.S Infantry left for Tampa on 24th (of June). Captain Israel Vogdes with companies A & B 1st U.S Artillery assumed command same day
1850 Jul
Camp Alafia
Vogdes, Israel, Captain 26 Jun 1850
Company A, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 51 present Company B, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 53 present
1850 Sep
Fort Alafia
Vogdes, Israel, Captain 26 Jun 1850 - 26 Oct 1850
Company A, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 46 present Company B, 1st U.S. Artillery Total 52 present
1850 Oct
Camp Alafia
Chalfin, Samuel F., 1st U.S. Artillery 26 Oct 1850
Roberts, Robert B., Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States, Macmillan, New York, 1988, 10th printing, ISBN 0-02-926880-X, page 144.
Post returns available Aug 1849 - Oct 1850 at (by Subscription)