Fort Beaumont
Fort Beaumont (1914-1920) - A Canadian coastal defense fort established in 1914 during World War I in present day Beaumont, Bellechasse RCM, Quebec, Canada. Named for the town. Abandoned in 1919-1920.
HistoryPart of the Harbor Defense of Quebec. Established in 1914 and quickly activated for World War I. Armed with two 6-inch B caliber Vickers guns in reinforced concrete emplacements. No underground magazine was constructed at Fort Beaumont. In 1914 the garrison at Fort Beaumont was 27 men. The battery was not manned during the tough Canadian winters when the Saint Lawrence River froze over. In 1915 the battery was operational only during the daylight hours and the nearby Fort de la Martiniere gun batteries took the duty during the night, both forts sharing the examination battery role. The garrison left for good after the freeze in 1917 since Germany was no longer a threat. In 1919-1920 the two 6-inch B caliber Vickers guns were dismantled, removed and the Fort was abandoned. Current StatusDeteriorating on private property in Beaumont, Bellechasse RCM, Quebec, Canada.
Links: Visited: 22 Jul 2013