Fort Carlton (3)

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Fort Carlton (3) (1810-1885) - A Hudson's Bay Company post established in 1810 along the North Saskatchewan River near present day Carlton, Saskatchewan. Co located with the North West Company Fort la Montee. Abandoned in 1885. Also known as Carlton House.

Fort Carlton Clerks Quarters Interior
Fort Carlton Trade Store Interior
Fort Carlton Replica of 1879 Factor's House used as the Visitor Center
Fort Carlton Interior, Fur Storage Building, Company Building and Bastion (L to R)
Fort Carlton Interior, Clerks Quarters, Trade Store, and the Two New Buildings, the Barracks and Mess (L to R)

History of Fort Carlton (3)

A Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) post established in 1810 along the North Saskatchewan River at a ford of that river known as the Great Crossing Place. The North West Company (NWC) established its Fort la Montee within the same stockade but they moved further upstream in 1816. With the merger of the two companies in 1821 Fort la Montee closed.

In 1875, a detachment of North West Mounted Police was posted to the fort for the Treaty 6 negotiations first signed near the fort on 23 Aug 1876.

On 26 Mar 1885 a force of North West Mounted Police (NWMP) and militia led by NWMP Superintendent Leif Crozier was confronted a group of rebels at Duck Lake at the beginning of the North West Rebellion. Crozier was defeated and retreated to Fort Carlton. He abandoned the fort two days later. A fire accidentally started during the evacuation, destroying the fort. The HBC did not rebuild the fort.

Cree Chief Big Bear surrendered near the burned out fort on 2 Jul 1885.

Current Status

Part of Fort Carlton Provincial Park in Saskatchewan. A reconstructed palisade and five buildings including fur and provisions store, trade store and clerk's quarters. The visitor centre is in a reconstruction of the 1879 Factor's House. Two additional connected buildings are under construction (2014) as a barracks and mess.


Location: Near Carlton, Saskatchewan.

Maps & Images

Lat: 52.86985 Long: -106.52983

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  • Elevation: .....'

See Also:



Visited: 28 Jul 2014