Fort Haven
Fort Haven (1860-1860) - A temporary earthworks established in 1860 during the Pyramid Lake Paiute War by Captain Joseph Stewart, 3rd U.S. Artillery, in present-day Washoe County, Nevada. Named after Major General J. P. Haven, California Militia. Abandoned in 1860 in favor of Fort Churchill (1).
HistoryTemporary earthworks were established about 6 Jun1860 after the second Battle of the Pyramid Lake Paiute War. Captain Joseph Stewart, 3rd U.S. Artillery established the post as one of a number of temporary defenses after the hostile Paiute force withdrew. Abandoned after Fort Churchill (1) was established on 20 Jul 1860 by Captain Stewart. Current StatusNo remains, Washoe County, Nevada
Fortification ID:
Visited: 21 Mar 2014