Fort Loramie
Fort Loramie (1794-1798, 1812-1815) - First established in 1794 at the direction of General Anthony Wayne during the Northwest Territory Indian War. Named after Pierre Loramie, a French-Canadian fur trader. Abandoned in 1798 and reoccupied in 1812. Finally sold in 1815.
HistoryIn 1794 General "Mad" Anthony Wayne marched his troops toward the heart of the hostile Indian indian country near the present day city of Maumee, Ohio. Along the way, he carefully constructed a line of forts from Fort Washington to Fort Deposit as supply points and to secure communications and supply lines. The forts were about a day's march from each other. General Wayne was the third American general to attempt to control what had become a confederation of hostile Indian tribes with British support, he did not want to repeat the mistakes of his predecessors who both failed with horrific results. Fort Loramie was originally intended as a stockaded fort but it was built as a blockhouse and storage buildings to supply northern Ohio forts including Fort Wayne, Fort Adams (2) and Fort Defiance. Construction was completed in December 1795. The fort served as a supply depot during the War of 1812 for forces operating against the British in Canada and Michigan. The fort was sold to James Furrow in 1815, he converted two of the buildings into a post office and a tavern. Current StatusMarkers only.
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