Selected Air Forces (1940-2007)
- 18 Dec 1940 - Activated at Mitchel Field, NY, as the Northeast Air District.
- Early 1941 - Redesignated First Air Force.
- Until 1943 - Provided air defense for the eastern U.S.
- 27 Mar 1946 - Assigned to ADC
- 3 Jun 1946 - Moved to Fort Slocum, NY
- Dec 1948 - Assigned to Continental Air Defense Command (ConAC)
- 23 Jun 1958 - Discontinued
- 20 Jan 1966 - Activated
- 1 Apr 1966 - Reassigned to ADC
- 31 Dec 1969 - Inactivated
- 6 Dec 1985 - Activated at Langley Air Force Base, VA, assumed assets of Air Defense, Tactical Air Command
- 12 Sep 1991 - Moved to Tyndall Air Force Base, FL
- 1 Oct 1995 - Redesignated First Air Force (ANG)
- 1 Nov 2007 - Redesignated First Air Force (Air Forces Northern)
- 18 Dec 1940 - Activated at McChord Field, WA, as the Northwest Air District.
- early 1941 - Redesignated Second Air Force .
- 30 Mar 1946 - Inactivated
- 6 Jun 1946 - Reactivated at Fort Crook, NE, and assigned to ADC.
- 1 Jul 1948 - Inactivated
- 18 Dec 1940 - Activated at March Field, CA, as the Southwest Air District.
- early in 1941 - Redesignated Fourth Air Force
- until 1943 - Provided air defense for the western U.S.engaged primarily in training replacements for combat units.
- Assigned to ADC in Mar 1946
- 19 Jun 1946 - Moved to Hamilton Field, CA.
- Dec 1948 - Reassigned to ConAC, being concerned chiefly with air defense until 1949 and with reserve and national guard activities thereafter.
- 1 Sep 1960 - Discontinued
- 1 Apr 1966 - Reactivated and assigned to ADC.
- 30 Sep 1969 - Inactivated
Tenth Air Force
- 12 Feb 1942 - Activated at Patterson Field, OH, and served in India, Burma, and China during WWII.
- 6 Jan 1946 - Inactivated
- 24 May 1946 - Reactivated at Brooks Field, TX, and assigned to ADC
- Dec 1948 - Assigned to ConAC.
- 1 Sep 1960 - Inactivated
- 13 Jun 1946 - Activated at Olmstead Field, Middletown, PA, and assigned to ADC.
- 1 Jul 1948 - Inactivated
- 10 Mar 1943 - Activated in China served in combat, mostly in China, until the end of the war
- 6 Jan 1946 - Inactivated
- 24 May 1946 - Activated at Orlando Air Base, FL, and assigned to ADC
- 1948 - Assigned to ConAC
- 1 Apr 1966 - Reactivated at Gunter Air Force Base, AL, and assigned to ADC
- 1 Jul 1968 - Redesignated Fourteenth Aerospace Force and moved to Ent Air Force Base, CO
- 1 Oct 1976 - Inactivated
- Cornett, Lloyd H. & Johnson, Mildred W., A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organization (1946-1980), Office of History ADC, Peterson AFB, Colorado, 31 Dec 1980, 179 pages, Pdf, page 50-51.
- USAF Fact Sheet - Northern) (ACC)