Mission San Ildefonso
Mission San Ildefonso (1749-1755) - A Spanish mission established in 1749 in present day Rockdale, Milam County, Texas. Abandoned in 1755.
Mission San Ildefonso HistoryEstablished as Mission San Ildefonso by Franciscan Missionaries in 1746. A conflict between the commandant of the nearby Presidio San Francisco Xavier de Gigedo, Captain Rabago, and the missionaries led to killing of Fray Juan Jose Ganzabal and another man in 1752. Captain Rabago was implicated in the murders and all but one of the remaining friars left and most of the Indians fled. Rabago's uncle, Pedro de Rabago y Teran arrived at the presidio in 1754 and found the three missions in a bad state. In July 1755 he ordered, on his own initiative, the presidio and the nearby missions relocated to the San Marcos River. Mission San Ildefonso was moved from the San Marcos River in 1762 to a location on the Nueces River and renamed Mission San Lorenzo de la Santa Cruz. Current StatusMarker only near Rockdale, Milam County, Texas.
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