North West Arm Battery

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North West Arm Battery (1862-1870s) - North West Arm Battery was a Canadian earthworks coastal gun battery in present day Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Deactivated in 1870s. Also known as Barbette Battery and Fieldings Battery.

North West Arm Battery Small Caliber Cannon.
North West Arm Battery Large Caliber Cannon.
North West Arm Battery 1870


Part of the Harbor Defense of Halifax.

French & Indian War

In early July 1762 the French capture of St. John's aroused fears that Halifax would be next attacked. The defenses of Halifax were ordered upgraded. A part of the new defenses was North West Arm Battery, a new battery built under the supervision of Major General Bastide, Royal Engineers (RE). Construction began on 13 Jul 1762 by a detachment of 112 men belonging to the provincial regiment and it was reported complete on 23 Jul 1762. Ten 9-pounders were mounted en-barbette in a battery designed to defend the entrance to the North West Arm in conjunction with an armed sloop and a chain boom. This Battery was known as the North West Arm Battery or the Barbette Battery.

Revolutionary War (1775-1783)

The Revolutionary War brought about the addition of new defenses and upgrading of old defenses. The name of the existing Barbette Battery was changed to Fieldings Battery and it was reconfigured as a lunette with two 18-pounders on the faces and two 9-pounders on the flanks, all en-barbette.

Two small new batteries were constructed at Chain Rock facing south. They were named North West Arm Battery No. 1, a blunted redan with three 6-pounders and North West Arm Battery No. 2, a tiny redan with two 4-pounders.

War of 1812 (1812-1815)

On 1 Jul 1812 an Inspectional Report indicated that North West Arm Battery had three serviceable English 18-pounders on iron carriages. The battery had prepared platforms for, four 24-pounders to be immediately mounted. Ammunition in the amount of 100 rounds for each piece was available, part in Travelling Magazines and part in a stone magazine. There was a furnace for heating shot.

The detachment of artillery at Point Pleasant had charge of the post. There was a barracks at the rear of the battery that housed a Subaltern and 36 men.

U.S. Civil War (1861-1870s)

The construction of Fort Ogilvie (1) (1862-1870) and Cambridge Battery (1862-1868) made the North West Arm Battery almost useless but photographs indicate that the battery was operational through 1870.

Current Status

Part of Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A couple of smaller caliber period guns in place on concrete display carriages/stands.


Location: Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Maps & Images

Lat: 44.61817 Long: -63.56798

See Also:



Visited: 22 Jun 2013