Ogden Point Battery
Ogden Point Battery (1939-1954) - Ogden Point Battery was a Canadian coastal gun battery at Ogden Point, Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Deactivated in 1954. First location also known as Breakwater Battery.
World War II (1939-1945)Part of the Harbor Defense of Victoria and Esquimalt Harbors. Originally built as a single 12-pounder QF MK1 gun mounted on a MK1 mount (15 degree) emplaced on the breakwater in 1939. Relocated to the pier in 1940 and replaced with a 6-pounder duplex gun in 1944. The duplex gun was emplaced until 1954. Current StatusNo remains, no period guns or mounts in place.
See Also: Sources:
Links: Visited: 3 Jun 2014 Ogden Point Battery Picture Gallery