Overland War of 1863

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Overland War of 1863 (1863-1864) - Started 22 Mar 1863 with attacks on the stations along the Overland Stage Route by hostile Gosh-Ute Indians. U.S. Army troops, cavalry and infantry, were brought in to provide protection for the stations and the stagecoaches. Cavalry units pursued the hostiles and killed many. The conflict ended with the signing of the Goshute Treaty (1863) on 13 Oct 1863 in Tooele Valley.

The Overland War of 1863 began when the Gosh-Utes under War Chief White Horse attacked the Eight Mile Station on 22 Mar 1863. The Gosh-Utes killed the station keeper and the driver of an arriving stage and then burned down Eight Mile Station. Emboldened by their success, they raided stations from Salt Lake City to Schell Creek.

The new U.S. military command at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City sent Company K of the 2nd California Volunteer Cavalry under Captain S. P. Smith to protect the Overland stations at Eight Mile Station and Fort Ruby.

Company E, 3rd California Volunteer Infantry was sent to provide guards for Overland route stages between Austin, Nevada and Salt lake City, Utah. The troops were divided up, about four to each station, and two were assigned to each stage run as protection, returning on the next stage in the opposite direction.

The remainder of Company K then took the fight to the Gosh-Utes, who were still raiding stations and killing employees. The war continued with losses to both sides until the Goshute Treaty (1863) was signed on 13 Oct 1863 in the Tooele Valley.

The war cost the Overland Stage Company sixteen men, seven stations destroyed, and 150 horses killed or stolen.

See Also:
