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Duluth SAGE Direction Center DC-10 Radar Sites (edit list)
Location Type State Unit ADC NORAD JSS From To GPS Notes
Finland AFS MN 756th P-69 Z-069 1959-07-01 1980-08-15 47.45361,
Grand Rapids AFS MN 707th SM-138 Z-138 1959-07-01 1963-08-01 47.24028,
Baudette AFS MN 692nd SM-132 Z-132 1959-07-01 1979-07-01 48.66992,
Osceola AFS WI 674th P-35 Z-035 1959-07-01 1975-03-31 45.25139,
Armstrong AS ON 914th C-15 C-15 1959-11-01 1962-11-01 50.30528,
Sioux Lookout AS ON 915th C-16 C-16 1959-11-15 1962-10-01 50.08306,
Lowther AS ON 639th M-119 C-119 1963-07-01 1981-09-01 49.55583,
To RCAF 1963
Beausejour AS MB 916th
C-17 C-17 R-25 1963-09-01 1969-11-14 50.14806,
To RCAF 1961
Calumet AFS MI 665th P-16 Z-016 J-59 1963-10-01 1983-04-01 47.37111,
Antigo AFS MN 676th P-19 Z-019 1963-10-01 1964-06-01 45.04833,
Wadena AFS MN 739th P-17 Z-017 1963-09-04 1970-09-30 46.51528,
Sault Ste Marie AFS MI 753rd P-66 Z-066 1963-10-01 1979-10-30 46.45722,
Finley AFS ND 785th P-29 Z-029
J-75 1963-09-04 1969-09-15 47.51583,
Selfridge AFB MI 661st P-20 Z-020 1969-11-14 1974-07-01 42.62694,
Empire AFS MI 752nd P-34 Z-034 J-58 1969-11-14 1978-04-01 44.8025,
Chandler AFS MN 787th P-18 Z-18 1968-07-01 1969-07-01 43.89778,
Waverly AFS IA 788th P-81 Z-81 1968-07-01 1969-09-30 42.69,