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Initially, the 20 ARTCCs in the lower 48 States were equipped with IBM 9020 computers to automate some of the ARTCC functions. In 1988 the IBM 3083 computer system known as "Host" replaced the old IBM 9020s in these ARTCCs. On 14 Jun 2012, the FAA decommissioned the 4-decades-old En Route Host computer system at the Seattle and Salt Lake City ARTCCs and replaced the system with the new En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) system. As of 27 Mar 2015, all 20 of the lower 48 United States ARTCCs had converted to the ERAM system as had the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

ERAM technology is the heart of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and the pulse of the National Airspace System (NAS), helping to advance the transition from a ground-based system of air traffic control to a satellite-based system of traffic management. ERAM can process data from 64 radars versus the 24 radar processing with the legacy HOST system.