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FPS-27 Radar Sites (US/CAN) (edit list)
Site Type State Unit ADC SAGE Installed Removed GPS Notes
Armstrong AS ON 914th C-015 C-015 1963 1974 50.30528,
Baldy Hughes CFS BC 918th C-020 C-020 1963 1988 53.61833,
Barrington AS NS 672nd M-102 C-102 1961 1990 43.45167,
Bellefontaine AFS OH 664th P-073 Z-073 1964 1969 40.36984,
Last U.S. FPS-27
Calumet AFS MI 665th P-016 Z-016 1963 1988 47.37111,
Chandler AFS MN 787th P-018 Z-018 1964 1969 43.89778,
Charleston AFS ME 765th P-065 Z-065 1963 1980 45.0896,
First U.S. FPS-27
Condon AFS OR 636th P-032 Z-032 1964 1970 45.23667,
Crystal Springs AFS MS 627th TM-195 Z-195 1959 1968 31.97917,
Dana CFS SK 45 AC&W C-052 C-052 1964 1987 52.27833,
Finland AFS MN 756th P-069 Z-069 1963 1989 47.45361,
Gettysburg AFS SD 903rd M-099 Z-099 1963 1968 45.04972,
Gibbsboro AFS NJ 772nd RP-063 Z-063 1963-05 1984 39.82417,
Gypsumville CFS MB 47 AC&W C-049 C-049 1962 1987 51.66417,
Havre AFS MT 778th P-025 Z-025 1965 1979 48.88083,
Klamath AFS CA 777th P-033 Z-033 1963 1981 41.55917,
Las Vegas AFS NV 865th SM-163 Z-163 1964 1970 36.31861,
Lowther CFS ON 639th M-119 C-119 1963 1987 49.55583,
Lyndonville AFS VT 911th M-103 Z-103 n/a n/a 44.66528,
Tower only, no equipment
Miles City AFS MT 902nd M-098 Z-098 1964 1968 46.29694,
FPS-27 sent to Mount Hebo AFS on closure
Minot AFB ND 786th P-028 Z-028 1964 1979 48.00361,
Moisie CFS QC 211 AC&W C-033 C-033 1963 1988 50.19417,
Mount Hebo AFS OR 689th M-100 Z-100 1969-09-30 1979 45.21583,
Replacement for damaged FPS-24 from Miles City AFS
North Charleston AFS SC 792nd M-113 Z-113 1964 1980 32.89556,
Penhold CFS AB 43 AC&W C-054 C-054 1964 1986 52.18778,
Ramore CFS ON 912th C-010 C-010 1974 48.42694,
Roanoke Rapids AFS NC 632nd M-117 Z-117 1964 1978 36.43972,
San Pedro Hill AFS CA 670th RP-039 Z-039 1961 1976 33.746111,
Saratoga Springs AFS NY 656th P-050 Z-050 1963 1977 43.01139,
Sydney CFS NS 221 AC&W C-034 C-034 1966 1991 46.1675,
Watertown AFS NY 655th P-049 Z-049 1964 1979 43.92528,
Waverly AFS IA 788th P-083 Z-083 1964 1969 42.69,
Yuma AFB AZ 864th SM-162 Z-162 n/a n/a 32.65381,
Tower only, no equipment