Typical AC&W Radar Site

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Work in Progress

Typical AC&W Radar Site (1950-1960) - A set of Cold War U.S. Air Force radar stations established between 1950 and 1960.

Plan of a typical AC&W Radar Site circa 1959.

Typical AC&W Site Structures (edit list)
Function Building Area Notes
H1 Headquarters/Administration
Commander & First Sergeant
CQ & Mail Room
Movie Theater
Q1 Bachelor Aimen Quarters (BAQ) Cantonment
Q2 Bachelor Officer Quarters (BOQ)
Medical/Dental Office
Officer's Club
Q3 Married Quarters (9 or 27) Housing
S1 Gate Shack Cantonment
S2 Dining Hall Cantonment
S3 Base Exchange Cantonment
S4 Motor Pool Cantonment
S5 Commissary Cantonment Available space
S6 Base Supply Cantonment
U1 Heating Plant Cantonment
U2 Water Plant Cantonment
U3 Civil Engineers Cantonment
R1 Recreation Hall/Gym Cantonment
R2 Bowling Alley Cantonment
R3 Swimming Pool Cantonment
R4 Hobby Shops Cantonment
R5 NCO Club Cantonment
O1 Operations Building Operations
O2 Communications-Electronics Office Operations
O3 Search Radar Tower Operations
O4 Height Finder Tower (0) Operations
O5 Height Finder Tower (1) Operations
O6 Radio Receiver Building Radio
O7 Radio Transmitter Building Radio
O8 Power Production Operations
O9 Tech Supply Operations