Template:FtMacArthurBatteryAMTB-TerminalIsland: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

24 April 2014

22 December 2012

30 December 2008

  • curprev 20:2420:24, 30 December 2008 John Stanton talk contribs 482 bytes +482 New page: {{ArmsListHeader|Battery=AMTB - Terminal Island}} {{ArmsList|Gun=1|Caliber=90mm|Length=50 Cal|Model=M1|SN=5352|Man=Watervliet|Carriage=Pedestal Mount, M3, #195, F B D|Dates=1943-1946|N...