Template:FtWadsworthAMTB12-SwinburneIslandWWII: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

24 April 2014

7 November 2010

  • curprev 13:4513:45, 7 November 2010 John Stanton talk contribs 509 bytes +509 New page: {{ArmsListHeaderNew|Battery=AMTB 12 - Swinburne Island|EditPage=FtWadsworthBatteryAMTB12-SwinburneIslandWWII}} {{ArmsList|Gun=1|Caliber=90mm|Length=186.15"|Model=M1|SN=?|Man=Unknown|Carria...