Category:San Francisco NIKE Sites: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
Created page with "{{CategoryHeader}} <googlemap version="0.9" lat="37.761487" lon="-122.415161" zoom="11" height="600" width="800" scale="yes" overview="yes" controls="large" icons="http://www...."
John Stanton (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="37.761487" lon="-122.415161" zoom="11" height="600" width="800" scale="yes" overview="yes" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="37.761487" lon="-122.415161" zoom="10" type="map" height="600" width="800" scale="yes" overview="yes" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
(N) 37.94889, -122.29111, SF-08C Vollmer Peak
(N) 37.925, -122.26222, SF-08L Wildcat Peak
(N) 37.94889, -122.29111, SF-09C San Pablo Ridge
(N) 37.925, -122.26222, SF-09L Wildcat Peak
(N) 37.81583, -122.06222, SF-25C Rocky Ridge
(N) 37.8125, -122.0425, SF-25L Bollinger Canyon
(N) 37.72361, -122.08528, SF-31C Fairmont Ridge
(N) 37.72389, -122.119, SF-31L Lake Chabot
(N) 37.54, -122.08417, SF-37C Coyote Hills S
(N) 37.55889, -122.09611, SF-37L Coyote Hills N
(N) 37.61333, -122.45889, SF-51C Sweeney Ridge
(N) 37.63944, -122.47889, SF-51L Milagra
(N) 37.69222, -122.44778, SF-59C Mount San Bruno
(N) 37.71472, -122.50167, SF-59L Fort Funston
(N) 37.82754, -122.49956, SF-87C Hawk Hill
(N) 37.83525, -122.53099, SF-87L Fort Cronkhite
(N) 37.84197, -122.53218, SF-88C Wolf Ridge
(N) 37.82698, -122.52753, SF-88L Fort Barry
(N) 37.75778, -122.45778, SF-89C Mount Sutro
(N) 37.79222, -122.47333, SF-89L Fort Winfield Scott
(N) 37.92305, -122.60067, SF-90DC Mill Valley AFS
(N) 37.86139, -122.43056, SF-91C Mount Livermore
(N) 37.85639, -122.4225, SF-91L Angel Island
(N) 37.99778, -122.5025, SF-93C San Pedro Ridge
(N) 38.02389, -122.52083, SF-93L Smith Ranch Road
'''See Also:'''
* [[NIKE System]]
* [[:Category:NIKE Sites|Nike Sites]]
* [[SAGE System]]
* [[Defense Installations Portal]]


[[Category:California All]]
[[Category:California All]]
[[Category:Harbor Defense of San Francisco]]
[[Category:Harbor Defense of San Francisco]]
[[Category:NIKE Sites]]

Latest revision as of 14:36, 7 September 2017


California All California Counties

See Also:

San Francisco Nike Batteries (edit list)
Battery Type Location Operational Deactivated GPS Notes
SF-90DC Command Post Mill Valley Air Force Station 1960 1971 37.92305,
SF-08C Control Vollmer Peak 1955 1963 37.94889,
SF-08L Launch Wildcat Peak 1955 1963 37.925,
SF-09C Control San Pablo Ridge 1955 1963 37.94889,
SF-09L Launch Wildcat Peak 1955 1963 37.925,
SF-25C Control Rocky Ridge 1956 1959 37.81583,
SF-25L Launch Bollinger Canyon 1956 1959 37.8125,
SF-31C Control Fairmont Ridge 1956 1974 37.72361,
SF-31L Launch Lake Chabot 1956 1974 37.72389,
SF-37C Control Coyote Hills S 1955 1963 37.54,
SF-37L Launch Coyote Hills N 1955 1963 37.55889,
SF-51C Control Sweeney Ridge 1956 1974 37.61333,
SF-51L Launch Milagra 1956 1974 37.63944,
SF-59C Control Mount San Bruno 1956 1963 37.69222,
SF-59L Launch Fort Funston 1956 1963 37.71472,
SF-87C Control Hawk Hill 1955 1971 37.82754,
SF-87L Launch Fort Cronkhite 1955 1971 37.83525,
SF-88C Control Wolf Ridge 1958 1974 37.84197,
SF-88L Launch Fort Barry 1958 1974 37.82698,
SF-89C Control Mount Sutro 1955 1963 37.75778,
SF-89L Launch Fort Winfield Scott (2) 1955 1963 37.79222,
SF-91C Control Mount Livermore 1955 1961 37.86139,
SF-91L Launch Angel Island 1955 1961 37.85639,
SF-93C Control San Pedro Ridge 1957 1971 37.99778,
SF-93L Launch Smith Ranch Road 1957 1971 38.02389,
* Ed Thelen Site - Nike Site Locations
* Wikipedia - List of Nike Sites
* Tech Bastards - Nike Missile Locations
* Radomes - List of Nike Related Radar Sites
* Nike Historical Society
* Lonnquest, John C. and Winkler, David F., To Defend and Deter: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Missile Program, USACERL Special Report 97/01, Nov 1996, 607 pages, Pdf
* Morgan, Mark L. and Berhow, Mark A., Rings of Supersonic Steel: Air Defenses of the United States Army 1950-1979, Third Edition, Hole in the Head Press, Bodega Bay, 2010, ISBN 978-0-9761494-0-8, 358 pages

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