Category:Nevada Radar Sites: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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{{DEFAULTSORT:Radar Sites}}
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="38.873929" lon="-116.652832" zoom="6" type="map" width="600" height="600" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
<!-- Radar Sites -->
(D) 39.65111, -119.88333, Stead SAGE Direction Center DC-16
(R) 41.01111, -117.7675, Winnemucca Air Force Station
(R) 38.05167, -117.22556, Tonopah Air Force Station
(R) 39.40528, -118.72206, Fallon Air Force Station
(R) 36.31861, -115.57528, Las Vegas Air Force Station
<!-- FAA Radar Sites -- .
(R) 40.40306, -116.86778, Battle Mountain FAA Radar Site
(R) 39.40528, -118.72206, Fallon NAS FAA Radar Site
(R) 36.318611, -115.57528, Angel Peak FAA Radar Site
(R) 38.05167, -117.22556, Tonopah FAA Radar Site
[[Category:Nevada All]]
[[Category:Nevada All]]

Latest revision as of 21:37, 4 November 2022