USMA Superintendents: Difference between revisions

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* 1801-1812: Col. [[Jonathan Williams]] (1751-1815) – In June 1803, Lieutenant Colonel Williams vacated (he did not resign) the post of Superintendent. He returned in Superintendency in April 1805.
* 1803-1805: Col. [[Decius Wadsworth]] (1768-1821) (Acting)
* 1805-1812: Col. [[Jonathan Williams]] (1751-1815)
* 1812-1814: Col. [[Joseph G. Swift]] (1783-1865), Class of 1802 {{Cullum|1}}
* 1814-1817: Capt. [[Alden Partridge]] (1785-1854), Class of 1806 {{Cullum|15}}
* 1817-1833: Col. [[Sylvanus Thayer]] (1785–1872), Class of 1808 {{Cullum|33}} - Considered the true founder of the Academy, putting both discipline and education on a systematic footing.
* 1833-1838: Maj. [[René Edward De Russy]] (1796-1865), Class of 1812 {{Cullum|89}}
* 1838-1845: [[Richard Delafield]] (1798-1873), Class of 1818 {{Cullum|180}}
* 1845-1852: [[Henry Brewerton]] (1801-1879), Class of 1819 {{Cullum|207}}
* 1852-1855: Gen. [[Robert E. Lee]] (1807-1870), Class of 1829 {{Cullum|542}}
* 1855-1856: [[John G. Barnard]] (1815-1882), Class of 1833 {{Cullum|708}}
* 1856-1861: [[Richard Delafield]] (1798-1873), Class of 1818 {{Cullum|180}}
* Jan 23-28: 1861: [[P.G.T. Beauregard|Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard]] (1818-1893), Class of 1838 {{Cullum|942}} - Appointment revoked for his southern sympathies.
* Jan 28-Mar 1, 1861: [[Richard Delafield]] (1798-1873), Class of 1818 {{Cullum|180}}
* 1861-1864: [[Alexander Hamilton Bowman]] (1803-1865), Class of 1825 {{Cullum|394}}
* Jul to Sep 1864: [[Zealous B. Tower]] (1819-1900), Class of 1841 {{Cullum|1059}}
* 1864-1866: [[George W. Cullum]] (1809-1892), Class of 1833 {{Cullum|709}} - Established the Register of Graduates and the Association of Graduates as means toward reconciling the alumni after the War between the States.
* 1866-1871: [[Thomas Gamble Pitcher]] (1824-1895), Class of 1845 {{Cullum|1270}}
* 1871-1876: [[Thomas Howard Ruger]] (1833-1907), Class of 1854 {{Cullum|1633}}
* 1876-1881: Maj. Gen. [[John McAllister Schofield]] (1831-1906), Class of 1853 {{Cullum|1585}}– Awarded the Medal of Honor at the [[Battle of Wilson's Creek]] in 1861.  Later commanding general of the Army.
* 1881-1882: Maj. Gen. [[Oliver Otis Howard]] (1830-1909), Class of 1854 {{Cullum|1634}}
* 1882-1887: Maj. Gen. [[Wesley Merritt]] (1834-1910), Class of 1860 {{Cullum|1868}}
* 1887-1889: Col. [[John Grubb Parke]] (1827-1900), Class of 1849 {{Cullum|1408}}
* 1889-1893: Col. [[John M. Wilson|John Moulder Wilson]] (1837-1919), Class of 1860 {{Cullum|1858}} - Awarded the Medal of Honor at the [[Battle of Malvern Hill]], VA in 1862
* 1893-1898: Col. [[Oswald Hurbert Ernst]] (1842-1926), Class of 1864 {{Cullum|2025}}
* 1898-1906: Col. [[Albert Leopold Mills]] (1854-1916), Class of 1879 {{Cullum|2796}} - Awarded the Medal of Honor as a 1st Lt. at [[San Juan Hill]] in [[Cuba]].  Appointed Superintendent to West Point by [[William McKinley|President McKinley]], which carried an automatic promotion from 1st Lt. to Col.
* 1906-1910: [[Hugh Lenox Scott]] (1853-1934), Class of 1876 {{Cullum|2628}}
* 1911-1912: [[Thomas Henry Barry]] (1855-1919), Class of 1877 {{Cullum|2679}}
* 1913-1917: [[Clarence Page Townsley]], 18??-1926, Class of 1881 {{Cullum|2892}}
* 1917-1919: [[Samuel Escue Tillman]] (1847-1942), Class of 1869 {{Cullum|2275}}
* 1919-1922: Brig. Gen. [[Douglas MacArthur]], Class of 1903 - Awarded the Medal of Honor in 1942 for his leadership in Philippine resistance to the Japanese invasion. Sometimes considered the second founder of the Academy for his wide reforms.
* 1922-1925: Brig. Gen. [[Fred Winchester Sladen]] (1863-1945), Class of 1890 {{Cullum|3357}}
* 1926-1928: [[Merch Bradt Stewart]] (1875-1934), Class of 1896
* 1928: [[Edwin Baruch Winans]] (1869-1947), Class of 1891
* 1929-1932: [[William Ruthven Smith]] (1868-1941), Class of 1892
* 1932-1938: [[William Durward Connor]] (1874-1960), Class of 1897
* 1938-1940: [[Jay Leland Benedict]] (1882-1953), Class of 1904
* 1940-1942: [[Robert L. Eichelberger]] (1886-1961), Class of 1909
* 1942-1945: [[Francis Bowditch Wilby]] (1883-1965), Class of 1905
* 1945-1949: Gen. [[Maxwell Davenport Taylor]], Class of 1922
* 1949-1951: [[Bryant Edward Moore]] (1894-1951), Class of Aug 1917
* 1951-1954: Maj. General [[Frederick Augustus Irving]] (1894-1995), Class of 1917
* 1954-1956: [[Blackshear Morrison Bryan]] (1900-1977), Class of 1922
* 1956-1960: Gen. [[Garrison Holt Davidson]] (1904-1992), Class of 1927
* 1960-1963: Gen. [[William Westmoreland]] (1914-2005), Class of 1936
* 1963-1966: [[James Benjamin Lampert]] (1914-1978), Class of 1936
* 1966-1969: Gen. [[Donald Vivian Bennett]] (1915-  ), Class of 1940
* 1969-1970: Maj. Gen. [[Samuel William Koster]] (1919-  ), Class of 1942
* 1970-1974: [[William Allen Knowlton]] (1920-  ), Class of Jan. 1943
* 1974-1977: [[Sidney Bryan Berry]] (1926-  ), Class of 1948
* 1977-1981: Lt. Gen. [[Andrew Jackson Goodpaster]] (1915-2005), Class of 1939
* 1981-1986: Gen. [[Willard Warren Scott, Jr.]] (1926-  ), Class of 1948
* 1986-1991: Lt. Gen. [[Dave Richard Palmer]] (1934-  ), Class of 1956
* 1991-1996: Lt. Gen. [[Howard Dwayne Graves]] (1939-2003), Class of 1961
* 1996-2001: Lt. Gen. [[Daniel W. Christman]] (1943-  ), Class of 1965
* 2001-2006: Lt. Gen. [[William J. Lennox, Jr.]] (1950?-  ), Class of 1971
* 2006-2010: Lt. Gen. [[Franklin Hagenbeck]] (1949-  ), Class of 1971
* 2010-2013: Lt. Gen. [[David H. Huntoon]] (1951-  ), Class of 1973
* 2013-Present: Lt. Gen. [[Robert L. Caslen]] (1953-  ), Class of 1975
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[[Category:United States Military Academy]]

Latest revision as of 18:35, 22 June 2015

USMA Superintendents (edit list)
No. Served Rank Name Class Cullum Lived Notes
1 1801-1812 Colonel Williams, Jonathan n/a 1751-1815 In June 1803, Williams vacated (he did not resign) the post of Superintendent. Returned April 1805.
- 1803-1805 Colonel Wadsworth, Decius n/a 1768-1821 Acting
2 1805-1812 Colonel Williams, Jonathan n/a 1751-1815
3 1812-1814 Colonel Swift, Joseph G. 1802


4 1814-1817 Captain Partridge, Alden 1806


5 1817-1833 Captain Thayer, Sylvanus 1808


1785–1872 Bvt Major, Considered the true founder of the Academy
6 1833-1838 Major De Russy, René Edward 1812


7 1838-1845 Major Delafield, Richard 1818


8 1845-1852 Captain Brewerton, Henry 1819


9 1852-1855 Captain Lee, Robert E. 1829


1807-1870 Bvt Colonel
10 1855-1856 Captain Barnard, John G. 1833


1815-1882 Bvt Major
11 1856-1861 Major Delafield, Richard 1818


1798-1873 While Superintendent, had the local rank of Colonel, by law.
12 Jan 23-28 1861 Captain Beauregard, Pierre G.T. 1838


1818-1893 Bvt Major. Appointment revoked for his southern sympathies.
13 28 Jan-1 Mar 1861 Major Delafield, Richard 1818


1798-1873 While Superintendent, had the local rank of Colonel, by law.
14 1861-1864 Major Bowman, Alexander H. 1825


1803-1865 While Superintendent, had the local rank of Colonel, by law.
15 Jul-Sep 1864 Major Tower, Zealous B. 1841


1819-1900 Bvt Colonel
16 1864-1866 Lieutenant Colonel Cullum, George W. 1833


1809-1892 Bvt Major General. Established the Register of Graduates and the Association of Graduates
17 1866-1871 Colonel Pitcher, Thomas G. 1845


1824-1895 Bvt Brigadier General
18 1871-1876 Colonel Ruger, Thomas H. 1854


1833-1907 Bvt Brigadier General
19 1876-1881 Major General Schofield, John M. 1853


1831-1906 Awarded the Medal of Honor at the Battle of Wilson's Creek in 1861. Later commanding general of the Army.
20 1881-1882 Brigadier General Howard, Oliver O. 1854


1830-1909 Bvt Major General. Awarded the Medal of Honor for distinguished bravery at Fair Oaks in 1862.
21 1882-1887 Major General Merritt, Wesley 1860


22 1887-1889 Colonel Parke, John G. 1849


23 1889-1893 Colonel Wilson, John M. 1860


1837-1919 Medal of Honor Battle of Malvern Hill 1862
24 1893-1898 Colonel Ernst, Oswald H. 1864


25 1898-1906 Captain Mills, Albert L. 1879


1854-1916 While Superintendent, had the local rank of Colonel, by law. Awarded Medal of Honor as a 1st Lieutenant at San Juan Hill. Appointed by President McKinley.
26 1906-1910 Major General Scott, Hugh L. 1876


27 1911-1912 Major Genral Barry, Thomas H. 1877


28 1913-1916 Colonel Townsley, Clarence P. 1881


29 1916-1917 Major General Biddle, John 1881


30 1917-1919 Tillman, Samuel E. 1869


1847-1942 Recalled from retirement. Was Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology.
31 1919-1922 Brigadier General MacArthur, Douglas 1903


1880-1964 Awarded the Medal of Honor in 1942 for his leadership in Philippine resistance to the Japanese invasion. Sometimes considered the second founder of the Academy for his wide reforms.
32 1922-1925 Brigadier General Sladen, Fred W. 1890


33 1926-1928 Brigadier General Stewart, Merch B. 1896


34 1928 Major General Winans, Edwin B. 1891


35 1929-1932 Major General Smith, William R. 1892


1868-1941 Oversaw a significant expansion of the West Point Military Reservation.
36 1932-1938 Major General Connor, William D. 1897


37 1938-1940 Major General Benedict, Jay L. 1904 1882-1953
38 1940-1942 General Eichelberger, Robert L. 1909 1886-1961
39 1942-1945 Major General Wilby, Francis B. 1905 1883-1965
40 1945-1949 General Taylor, Maxwell D. 1922 1901-1987
41 1949-1951 General Moore, Bryant E. Aug 1917 1894-1951
42 1951-1954 Major General Irving, Frederick A. 1917 1894-1995
43 1954-1956 Major General Bryan, Blackshear M. 1922 1900-1977
44 1956-1960 Major General Davidson, Garrison H. 1927 1904-1992
45 1960-1963 General Westmoreland, William 1936 1914-2005
46 1963-1966 Lieutenant General Lampert, James B. 1936 1914-1978
47 1966-1969 General Bennett, Donald V. 1940 1915-2005
48 1969-1970 Major General Koster, Samuel W. 1942 1919-2006
49 1970-1974 General Knowlton, William A. Jan. 1943 1920-2008
50 1974-1977 Lieutenant General Berry, Sidney B. 1948 1926-2013
51 1977-1981 Lieutenant General Goodpaster, Andrew J. 1939 1915-2005
52 1981-1986 Lieutenant General Scott, Willard W. Jr. 1948 1926-2009
53 1986-1991 Lieutenant General Palmer, Dave R. 1956 1934-
54 1991-1996 Lieutenant General Graves, Howard D. 1961 1939-2003
55 1996-2001 Lieutenant General Christman, Daniel W. 1965 1943-
56 2001-2006 Lieutenant General Lennox, William J. Jr. 1971 1949-
57 2006-2010 Lieutenant General Hagenbeck, Franklin 1971 1949-
58 2010-2013 Lieutenant General Huntoon, David H. 1973 1951-
59 2013-2018 Lieutenant General Caslen, Robert L. Jr. 1975 1953-
60 2018-2022 Lieutenant General Williams, Darryl A. 1983 1961-
61 2022 Lieutenant General Gilland, Steven W. 1990 1968-
