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| '''Fort Stevenson (1867-1883)''' - Established 14 Jun 1867 by Maj. [[Joseph N.G. Whistler]] of the [[31st U.S. Infantry]] with troops from [[Fort Berthold]] and named for Brig. Gen. [[Thomas G. Stevenson]] who was killed at the battle of Spotsylvania, 10 May 1864. Fort Stevenson served as a supply base for [[Fort Totten]], protected navigation along the Missouri River and helped manage the Indian populations.
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| ==Fort Stevenson History==
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| The fort itself was never directly attacked, although war parties were sighted, and work crews occasionally engaged in skirmishes. Of far greater danger were the fierce winters on the northern plains. Temperatures of 40 below or less were recorded; snow piled above the crude windows; and all communication with the outside world shut down as the weather halted supply trains, mail delivery and river traffic. An exceptional account of life on the Missouri can be found in the journals of [[Philippe Regis de Trobriand]], who commanded the fort from 1867 until 1870.¹
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| Fort Stevenson was abandoned 22 Jul 1883 but a small detachment remained until 31 Aug 1883 to dismantle the fort and dispose of public property. The garrison was transferred to [[Fort Buford]] and the fort was turned over to the Fort Berthold Indian Agency 7 Aug 1883. The Interior Department took possession of the fort 14 Nov 1894.
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| ==Current Status==
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| Under the waters of Lake Sakakawea on the Missouri River.
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| <googlemap lat="47.585037" lon="-101.504831" zoom="14" width="500" scale="yes" overview="yes" controls="large" icons="http://www.fortwiki.com/mapicons/icon{label}.png">
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| (F) 47.581158, -101.503887, Fort Stevenson<br>(1867-1883)<br>Approximate Location
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| '''Location:'''
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| Under the waters of Lake Sakakawea on the what was the north bank of the Missouri River between Douglas and Garrison creeks, about two miles southwest of the present park site.
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| {{Mapit-US-cityscale|47.581158|-101.503887}}
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| * Elevation: Unknown
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| '''Links:'''
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| * [http://www.ndparks.com/Parks/Stevenson/history.htm Old Fort Stevenson]
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| '''Sources:'''
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| # [http://www.ndparks.com/Parks/Stevenson/history.htm Old Fort Stevenson]
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| # [http://www.falmr.org/dakforts.htm Dakota Forts]
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| '''Visited:''' No
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| ==Picture Gallery==
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