Template:PyoteAFSStructures: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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{{AFSBuildingsHeader2|Title=Pyote AFS Structures|EditPage=PyoteAFSStructures}}
{{AFSBuildingsHeader2|Title=Pyote AFS Structures|EditPage=PyoteAFSStructures}}
{{AFSBuildingsList2|No=|Name=Radar Receiver Transmitter Building|Exists=Yes|Area=Ops|Notes=$30,615 Est}}
{{AFSBuildingsList2|No=|Name=FPS-3 Radar Tower|Exists=No|Area=OPS|Notes=}}
{{AFSBuildingsList2|No=|Name=FPS-6 Radar Tower|Exists=No|Area=OPS|Notes=}}
{{AFSBuildingsList2|No=|Name=Radio Receiver-Transmitter Building|Exists=Yes|Area=Radio|Notes=$30,615 Est}}
{{AFSBuildingsList2|No=|Name=Operations Building|Exists=Yes|Area=Ops|Notes=$109,927 Est}}
{{AFSBuildingsList2|No=|Name=Operations Building|Exists=Yes|Area=Ops|Notes=$109,927 Est}}
{{AFSBuildingsList2|No=|Name=Tech Supply|Exists=Yes|Area=Ops|Notes=$18,500 Est}}
{{AFSBuildingsList2|No=|Name=Tech Supply|Exists=Yes|Area=Ops|Notes=$18,500 Est}}

Revision as of 11:48, 23 September 2019

Pyote AFS Structures (edit list)
Number Building Area Currently
FPS-3 Radar Tower OPS No
FPS-6 Radar Tower OPS No
Radio Receiver-Transmitter Building Radio Yes $30,615 Est
Operations Building Ops Yes $109,927 Est
Tech Supply Ops Yes $18,500 Est
Power Building Ops Yes $35,886 Est
Security Fence Ops Yes $5,000 Est
Access Road & Utilities Ops Yes $125,000 Est
Barracks Cantonment $42,600 Est
Barracks Cantonment $42,600 Est
Bachelor Officer Qtrs Cantonment $89,100 Est
Multi-purpose (Mess Hall, Disp, Unit Supply, Community bldg.) Cantonment $286,000 est