Recent Blog Posts
- CDSG 2010 Conference
- Fort Zachary Taylor at Key West Florida
- Galveston Harbor Defenses
- Arizona's Fort Bowie
- Fort Boise Visits
- Fort Stevens Gun Update
- California Military Museum
- Fort Barry and Fort Cronkhite on the Marin Headlands
- Fort Umpqua Rope Cutting & Birthday Party
- Fort McDowell on Angel Island
- Battery Guenther at Fort Canby
- Battery 131 at Camp Hayden
- Fort Worden revisited
- Battery O'Flying at Fort Canby
- Battery Meigs at Fort Washington
- Battery Decatur at Fort Washington
- Coast Defense Study Group (CDSG) 2009 Conference WrapUp
- Coast Defense Study Group (CDSG) 2009 Conference
- Battery 245 at Fort Stevens
- Vancouver Barracks
- Fort Dalles Visit
- Update on Battery Russell 10" Gun Model
- Fort Casey
- Fort Inge in Texas
- Fort Stevens FOOFS Picnic
- Fort Canby Battery 247
- Fort Umpqua Reconstruction
- Fort Worden
- Fort Stevens Battery Mishler
- Fort Stevens Battery Pratt Gun #1 Restoration