Camp White
Camp White (1942-1946) - A World War II Army camp in Jackson County, Oregon. Construction began on 25 Feb 1942 and was completed on 14 Dec 1942. Camp White was named after Major General George A. White, an adjutant general of the Oregon National Guard. Camp White was deactivated in Apr 1946.
Camp White HistoryThe camp encompassed 77 square miles and trained over 110,000 troops during its lifetime. At one point, it was the second largest city in Oregon. The camp core was a mile wide rectangle with the camp hospital occupying an angled portion on the west side of Crater Lake Highway. This core was flanked by two huge field ranges for training and maneuvers Current StatusThe hospital area remains and is now the Veterans Affairs’ Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinic.
Links: Visited: 28 Jun 2008 Camp White Picture Gallery