Fort Saskatchewan

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Fort Saskatchewan (1875-1913) - A Canadian North West Mounted Police fort established in 1875 by Inspector William D. Jarvis in present day City of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada. Abandoned in 1913.

Fort Saskatchewan Officer's Quarters, Commanding Officer's Quarters on the Right End

Fort Saskatchewan History

Established in 1875 by Inspector William D. Jarvis and Troop "A", North West Mounted Police as the first police post in northern Saskatchewan. Served as the headquarters of the "G" Division from 1886 until it was abandoned in 1913. The site was acquired by the Alberta Government in 1914 and made into a jail. The fort site was completely leveled.

Current Status

Recreated fort located adjacent to the original site in the city of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada.


Location: Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada.

Maps & Images

Lat: 53.71087 Long: -113.21804

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Visited: 11 Jul 2014