FPS-6 Long Range Height Finder Radar Set - A Long Range Height Finder Radar set built by General Electric Company. Deployed to long range radar sites, usually in pairs and as part of the SAGE network. Variants include the FPS-6A, FPS-6B and the mobile version MPS-14.
This is a nodding type height finder, initially manually positioned by an operator. Under the SAGE System it was positioned by the the SAGE Direction Center. Target identification and height determination was made by an operator under the both the manual and the automatic SAGE System.
Othello AFS, two FPS 6 Height Finder Radars on the left, FPS 3 Search Radar in the bubble and Operations building on the right, circa 1959.
Winkler, David F., Searching the Skies: the Legacy of the United States Cold War Defense Radar Program, USAF Hq Air Combat Command, 1997, 192 pages, Pdf