Revision as of 13:04, 13 October 2017 by John Stanton(talk | contribs)(Created page with "{{USRadarSiteHeader|Title=Hawaiian WWII Radar Sites|EditPage=HawaiianWWIIRadarSites}} <!--{{USRadarSiteList|Unit=|Loc=|Numb=|State=|Type=|Start=|Stop=|Lat=|Lon=|Source=|Notes=...")
1. Supp HD Project, HD of Key West.
2. Supp HD Project, HD of Pensacola.
3. Supp HD Project, HD of Galveston.
11. US Army Owned, Sponsored and Leased Facilities Report, AMD-1, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 31 Dec 1945, CDSG Pdf.